UN Condemns Andrew Anglin’s Use of AI to Promote Chinese Communism

Daily Stormer March 5, 2023

António Guterres has accused Andrew Anglin of using AI to make him “even fatter,” suggesting this is part of a communist agenda against him

In a shocking development, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has expressed deep concern about far-right activist Andrew Anglin’s use of propaganda to promote Chinese interests, including sharing it with influential figures like Joe Rogan. Guterres fears that Anglin’s tactics could undermine support for a war against China, and is calling for urgent action to prevent this from happening.

Guterres is particularly troubled by Anglin’s efforts to use emotionally charged language to push the goals of the Chinese Communist Party, including its authoritarian policies and human rights abuses. He believes that the use of propaganda, especially when amplified by powerful figures, poses a significant threat to democracy and the values that the United Nations stands for.

Anglin has featured this picture of the Secretary General on his site. The latter claims the image depicts him as being “as much as 10% fatter” than he is in real life

In response to these concerns, Anglin has issued a scathing retort to Guterres, mocking the UN Secretary-General’s weight and accusing him of using AI to promote “gay marriage and transsexualism.” Anglin defended his use of AI, claiming that he only uses it to promote peace, while the UN uses it to promote violence, war, and child genital mutilation. He went on to accuse Guterres of hypocrisy, stating that the UN’s use of AI to promote such practices is a greater threat to society than his own use of the technology.

Guterres had called for an immediate investigation into the use of AI in manipulating public opinion and spreading fake news. However, Anglin’s response was dismissive of Guterres’ concerns.

The world waits with bated breath to see how the UN will respond to Anglin’s latest comments. However, his use of AI to spread his views and influence public opinion has sparked controversy and raised questions about the ethical use of AI in modern society.

This real life photo of António Guterres rolling into work introduces questions about how it would be possible to accuse him as being fatter than he is.

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